announcement — News — The Latin Ballet of Virginia blockquote { margin: 1em 3em; font-size: 13px; line-height: 150%; color: #e90a11; border-left: 2px solid #e90a11; padding-left: 1em; }

The Legacy Continues: From Student to Dancer to Artistic Director

The Legacy Continues:  From Student to Dancer to Artistic Director

Welcome our new Artistic Director, Marisol Cristina Betancourt Sotolongo! We are so excited about the changes to Our Familia!

Latin Ballet Presents La Magdalena in Spain!

Latin Ballet Presents La Magdalena in Spain!

Representing Colombia with great pride, Artistic Director Ana Ines King will travel with her talented dancers and collaborate with an International team of artists and musicians to bring La Magdalena to the stages of Spain!

Virtual ¿Qué Pasa? Festival

Photo provided by: The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Photo provided by: The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

We are so saddened we cannot perform this year on the streets at our beloved Qué Pasa? Festival, but not to worry folks, we will be featured every Tuesday for the whole month (September 15-October 15) virtually! So don’t miss us and dance with us from your living rooms and let’s celebrate the vibrant Hispanic culture of RVA! Don’t forget to support your local Latin business owners!

Victor, the True Spirit of Giving Tour in Mexico

We are excited to announce that we will be touring Mexico in 2019 to showcase the wonderful production of Victor!

We do need you support to make this happen, any amount helps….

To give or learn more please follow link below

Enrollment for Arts in Education Summer Day Camps

We want to remind all you parents out there that it is time to enroll in our Summer Day Camp series! Fun for ages 5-14 years with many activities including arts and crafts, dance and music! Sign up now!

Save the Arts!

Can you imagine your child not being able to watch Sesame Street? What about the artists and galleries supported by the Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts or any of these -- Meals on Wheels, heating assistance for low income people, college financial aid for low income people, nutrition for pregnant and nursing women, nutrition for kids in developing countries, after school and summer programs for kids in low income communities, emergency food assistance, efforts to revitalize public housing, and cutting programs like AmeriCorps not to mention legal services for low income households.

Every cultural aspect of our community would disappear. How does this affect us? The NEA funds a huge chunk of Latin Ballet's operation. Every year they sponsor our productions and give us the ability to be able to bring things like "NuYoRican" not only to the Richmond stage, but also to the many places we travel within the year.

The funding specifically applies to our literary program and helps us support independent voices from across the literary spectrum—writers, publishers, editors—as well as connect them with our increasingly diverse communities here in Iowa. The bottom line: this funding is helping us to build and connect communities through culture. We think it’s important work.
— Andre Perry, co-founder of Mission Creek Festival in Iowa

We understand that fighting for arts and culture has been an ongoing battle with our government, but this cut would call for the elimination of four independent cultural agencies — the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting — also would radically reshape the nation’s cultural infrastructure.

So many educational programs would be cut. Our children will find it difficult to be exposed to art, music, and even books. Places like the Dominion Arts Center, Richmond Ballet, VMFA and tons of educational and therapeutic arts centers would struggle to keep their doors open.  Latin Ballet of Virginia would find this elimination of programming devastating.

Donate to Latin Ballet Now

Take Action Now!
Here's how you can help!

VISIT to find your Representative and Senators and their telephone numbers. Make sure to contact both their DC and district offices as many times you have a better chance of speaking to someone at the district office. Tell them that President Trump’s proposed budget includes total elimination of the NEA and that you support federal funding for the arts and ask them to SAVE THE NEA. 

Utilize Social Media Platforms
Post positive comments about how the arts have positively impacted your life and your community on the Facebook page of your local Representative and Senators Kaine and Warner. Take to Twitter and tweet at your Representative and Senators. Make sure to give your support for federal funding for the arts and ask them to #SAVEtheNEA. 

Advocacy Tip
Keep your messaging positive and in support of the arts and remember that party affiliation does not signal support or opposition here. The National Endowment for the Arts is popular among members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.

Ana I. King to be Honored

Ana Ines King, Founder and Artistic Director

Ana Ines King, Founder and Artistic Director


Latin Ballet of Virginia is proud to announce that our Founder and Artistic Director, Ana Ines King will be honored at the Women in the Arts awards ceremony.  Please join us as we celebrate the life's work of Ms. King on this special evening.

Help Us Get to NYC!

Latin Ballet of Virginia is anticipating touring New York with our production of "NuYoRican". We are hoping to bring the production to many low-income communities and schools in the Bronx, but we need your help! Your donations make it possible for us to bring these cultural experiences and the gift of dance to other locations. Any donation will aid us in our travels and help us present this important production. Thank you for all you do for us!