WHERE: Quirk Hotel
WHO: Pro Company
STYLE: TBD (1 dance)
NOTES: Performance at 6pm/Solomon Plater (Board Member) will be presenting information about LBV
CONTACT: Matt Bradford & Sherry Abedi - 804-644-2010
Wine Table Tuesdays: Promote awareness and raise a little money for local and national charities.
When: Tuesdays 5pm-7pm.
Where: Quirk Hotel – location in hotel will rotate based on availability of space.
What: Wine tasting with rotating themes with a hosting “wine tender”.
Supporting their non-profit of choice. $2 from every tasting fee and all gratuities from the event are donated to the non-profit organization.
Promotion: Quirk hotel will promote the wine tasting via social media and our website calendar. The non-profit is encouraged to promote as well.
Wine: Wine descriptions and sell sheets will be available for your guests. You may provide your own “wine tender”. In the case that you cannot, our staff will pour for you.
Price: $17/person 4 tastings (2-3 oz)