Based on the Colombian legend of an old fisherman whose wish of becoming a young boy again, comes true.
La escuela del Latin Ballet se enorgullece de presentar "Tobias, El Capitán de los Delfines", Una leyenda Colombiana de un viejo pescador quien deseaba convertirse en un joven nuevamente. Despues de su travesía por la vida, el vive por siempre en el oceano como el capitan de los delfines. Basado en la obra "Tobias, el capitán de los delfines" escrita por Miguel Angel Perez.
Miguel Angel Perez nació en Bucaramanga, Colombia. Estudió medicina y periodismo. El es el decano de la facultad de Educación Infantil en la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. El ha sido galardonado con varios premios nacionales de literatura. El tambien desarrolla sicoterapias infantiles basadas en sus magicas y extraordinarias historias literarias.
La Escuela del Latin Ballet Ballet of Viriginia lo llevará en esta exitante aventura de Tobias, el pescador y su destino abierto ante sus ojos. Experimente el impacto que esta historia tendrá en su vida y como la danza interpreta esta gran obra. Las aventuras de Tobias vendrán en muchas formas de danza tales como Ballet, Flamenco, Jazz Latino, Capoeira, Tango, Hip Hop y mucho mas.
Despues de la presentación, el Sabado y Domingo unicamente, Los niños y sus familias estan invitados a conocer el autor. El estará gustoso en responder cualquier pregunta y recibir sus comentarios. No se pierda la oportunidad de conversar con el escritor de esta mistica leyenda Colombiana.
The King of the Dolphins
The Colombian legend of an old fisherman whose wish of becoming a young boy again, comes true and he lives beneath the ocean as the Captain of the Dolphins forever. Based on “Tobias, El Capitan de los Delfines” by Miguel Angel Perez
This is the story of an old fisherman who lived in a small village situated on the Colombian coast. Every morning, Tobias goes fishing. His small and old boat is, each time, harder to carry through the ocean. Sometimes he caught a lot of fish, but other times, the dark and strong winds from the North would push him to the rocks and he could not fish anything.
The Ocean is calmed
Tobias, The Fisherman
Little Fishes / Electric Stars / Tobias’ Friends
The King of the Ocean and his Creatures
One of those days when the ocean and winds were not on his side, he started to complain to the ocean. The ocean was very mad and all the winds from north and south started to complain back to Tobias. The waves of the ocean were so big that Tobias was in danger. The King of the Ocean appears, surrounded by all ocean creatures and tells Tobias to throw the dice and the one who gets the higher number will be the winner. If Tobias wins, the Ocean will grant his wish. If the King of the Ocean wins, Tobias will die.
The giants dices and the winner is Tobias
Tobias was so frightened to begin the game but was very relieved when his dice showed a higher number. Tobias was the winner! (6/5 for the Ocean and 6/6 for Tobias.) The Ocean gave him one day to think about his wish.
Tobias Wish and dreams
Little Dragon Flies / Little bathing children / Balloons dream
Tobias could not sleep that night thinking and thinking, what will be the best wish to ask the ocean. He remembers always being a very poor fisherman, and when he was a little boy, he was never like other children. He did not have toys to play with, he never had time for anything, but work, as a fisherman. Then he remembers one day, as little boy when he was sick with a very high fever; he dreamed he was flying high, high in the sky, holding a lot of colorful balloons over the blue and majestic ocean. The next morning he knew exactly what to ask the Ocean, he wanted to be a little boy again!
The Ocean
Tobias had to prove to the King of the Ocean that he would be a great little boy. He had to tell a wonderful story to all the creatures and fish of the ocean. His story had to be about life on earth. Tobias was so happy about the Ocean’s request because he was a very good story teller. His story was so good that all creatures and fish could not stop clapping and admiring Tobias. The Ocean was so impressed that he decided to give Tobias the title of, “The Capitan of the Dolphins.” Little Tobias will live beneath the ocean taking care of all the dolphins. The dolphins will be his best friends for ever.
Tobias tells stories about other countries and the life on earth. The ocean creatures and fishes are fascinated!
The Caribbean / Spain / Argentina / Egypt
The Magical Night Tobias as a little boy living on the ocean with his friends The Dolphins
The Ocean is calmed The water was gold and blue. It was kissed by the moon. The waves had a beautiful sound of music caressing the sand. Very slowly the old and poorly boat of Tobias appears full of red corals and green ocean plants. The moon and stars were illuminating the body of a small child, dead inside the boat. Nobody knew who this little fisherman was. It was the body of Tobias as a little boy on earth, but Tobias was now living in the ocean with all the dolphins as his best friends forever.
El Capitan de los Delfines
La leyenda Colombiana de un pezcador quien deseo con todas sus fuerzas poder ser un nino denuevo y su sueno se realiza viviendo por siempre en el oceano como el capitan de los delfines.
Basado en el magico cuento de Miguel Angel Perez
El Oceano esta Calmado
Tobias, el Pezcador
El Rey del Oceano y sus Criaturas
Los dados Gigantes y el ganador es Tobias
Los Deseos de Tobias
El Oceano
Tobias cuenta todas sus historias al Rey del Oceano y a sus Criaturas
Tobias Pide Volver el Tiempo Atras
La Noche Magica y los Delfines Plateados
El Oceano Recibe un Beso de la Luna